
Qonversion updates and improvements 🪄

March Qonversion Updates: Context Keys, Refined A/B Testing, Developer Role Update and more

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Hi there,

We're excited to share some March updates with you. Our team has been busy making Qonversion even better for you and your app. Here's what's new:


Introducing Context Keys

Meet Context Keys — a new way to make parts of your app more customizable with Qonversion's Remote Configs. This feature lets you manage how your app behaves and looks for different users, directly from your control panel. It's all about giving you the flexibility to run A/B tests effortlessly, allowing you to see which changes improve user experience and engagement.

Why Use Context Keys?

  • Remote Management: Adjust your app's settings from anywhere, anytime. You're in full control of the user experience, without needing to push updates through the app store.
  • Flexible A/B Testing: Test out different configurations to see what works best. With Context Keys, A/B testing is not just limited to two variations; you can explore as many as needed to optimize your app's performance.
  • Dynamic Customization: Tailor your app to meet user preferences and needs more closely. Context Keys enable a more dynamic and personalized development approach, ensuring your app remains adaptable and responsive.

Compatible with SDKs:

✅ iOS 5.7.0+

✅ Android 7.2.0+

✅ React Native 7.2.0+

✅ Flutter 8.2.0+

✅ Unity 7.2.0+

✅ Cordova 5.2.0+

 Learn more 

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Expansion of Remote Config & Experiments for Specific App Sections

Enhancing the Remote Config & Experiments feature to cater to individual parts of the application such as onboarding, paywalls, etc.

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Done 🎉


Refined A/B Testing Capabilities

Thanks to the great feedback from you, we've refined our A/B testing functionalities, introducing the capability to create more than two groups for tests. With our latest update, you can create multiple groups for more detailed and insightful experiments.

Plus, we've made navigating the A/B testing page easier. It's all about giving you a smoother, more intuitive experience as you fine-tune your app based on real user data.


Update on Developer Role Access

In our ongoing commitment to improving data security and platform usage efficiency, we've updated the access rights associated with the Developer role. Developers will now receive tailored access, which excludes visibility into financial charts, customer metrics, ASA (Apple Search Ads), and cohort analyses.


Add custom Qonversion account role with limited access to financial metrics

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Done 🎉


Stay tuned for more updates. We're here to help make your app the best it can be with Qonversion.