Feature Ideas

Can't wait to hear your thoughts: ideas, improvements or bug reports 😊

  1. User LTV Metric

    I'd like a place where I can see the LTV of my products so I can see how much they're worth.

    Seth S
    #Feature Request #Analytics


  2. View all apps analytics with basic info

    I think there's an overview of all the apps in the account. Maybe the Dashboard, which has basic information about the application. Users, trials, subs, revenue today. I want to browse all information about all apps without having to switch each app.

    Hanh P
    #Feature Request #Improvement #Analytics


  3. Qonversion App

    Can you provide an iOS App for Analytics? Thanks.

    ali u
    #Feature Request #Analytics#Dashboard


  4. User deletion for non-purchasers

    Make the delete user button available for users without purchases. Companies are required to delete all this data under GDPR if requested by the user.

    #Feature Request


  5. Returning list of transactions for in-app purchases

    checkEntitlements returns data for subscriptions only, similar function but for in-app purchases is required

    Sam from Qonversion


  6. Different currencies

    Some users want to see analytics in EUR or other currencies as well.

    Qonversion T
    #Feature Request #Improvement #Analytics


  7. Support for iOS Promotional Offers

    Qonversion T
    #Improvement #API#SDK


  8. TikTok Ads integration

    Qonversion T
    #Feature Request #Integrations


  9. Paddle integration

    Qonversion T
    #Feature Request #Integrations #API


  10. StoreKit 2 for Subscription Management mode

    Be up-to-date with AppStore's payment infrastructure

    Qonversion T


  11. TTR & CVR inclusion on Apple Search Ads

    without TTR and CVR it's incomplete

    Md Mahmudur R
    #Feature Request #Analytics#ASA


  12. List recent transactions and details in a table on the Dashboard

    Coming from Glassfy and Revenuecat, I realize that Qonversion seems to be a bit of a black box regarding transactions. A table showing recent transactions and their details in a table format would go a long way to alleviate this. Currently, I notice that there is the Customers list, but it does not show that time of the transactions (unless I drill down into the individual customer) nor the store from which the last payment was made. The Event section has several issues. The events are randomly sorted (it almost feels like they don't want us to review them)The events are separated store and you have to select a tab to switch stores. It is more helpful if they were mixed, along with a store column and perhaps a filter by store if the user desired.The events do not show prices the product that was purchased. The information in the table is very limited and not useful until clicking a record to see more informationBoth the switching of the stores and the selecting of records in the Events does not change the Url and browser history. There is no way to exit the Customer Profile page without returning all the way back to the Customers page, forcing the user to re-perform the multiple step drill down again, especially for Android events. As a new user, it is just making it impossible for me to be confident about the transactions happening and being processed correctly as I have limited visibility.

    Sam K


  13. Analytics segmentation by custom user properties

    Qonversion T
    #Feature Request #Improvement #Analytics


  14. Templates for no-code paywalls

    This feature aims to provide users with a library of pre-designed paywall templates that can be easily customized and integrated into their products. These templates would be designed to cater to a wide range of use cases, content types, and monetization strategies, allowing users to select the most suitable template based on their specific needs.

    Sam from Qonversion
    #Improvement #No-code paywalls


  15. Filtering Customers tab by attribution data

    Qonversion T
    #Feature Request #Dashboard
